7 Things God Hates
I was scrolling through movies the other night. I ended up scrolling past 7 deadly sins. It’s so many variations of that movie but the basic plot is usually around people who commit one of these 7 deadly Sins. So being curious me, I wanted to know did the 7 deadly sins have any biblical reference. Now the origin of the 7 deadly sins started in the fourth century, by a Christian monk named Evagrius Ponticus. He basically thought if the monks ridded themselves of these thoughts, it would keep their soul, mind and body from disorders that affected them. It started out as the eight evil thoughts gluttony, prostitution/fornication, greed, envy, wrath, dejection, boasting & pride. Then over the years the names went through some changes and became what we now know as the 7 deadly sins. Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy & pride. Biblically I did not find any direct reference. A similar scripture I found was Proverbs 6:16-19; These scriptures talk about 7 things the lord hates.
“There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”
ESV 19-16:6 Proverbs https://bible.com/bible/59/pro.6.16-18.ESV
Let’s break these down one by one.
Haughty eyes, this refers to a proud and arrogant attitude. It is displeasing to the Lord when we look down on others and think of ourselves as superior. Instead, let us cultivate humility, treating every day with respect and dignity.
A lying tongue is condemned by the Lord. We should always strive to be truthful in our words and actions, for honesty and integrity are valued and cherished virtues. Let us speak the truth and build trustworthiness in all our relationships.
Hands that shed innocent blood; shedding innocent blood is a grave offense in the eyes of God. It not only refers to physical harm but also extends to hurting others emotionally or mentally. We must value the sanctity of life and look to protect and preserve it at all costs.
A heart that devises wicked plans is considered abominable. This highlights the importance of having pure and righteous intentions. Let us examine our motives and ensure that we are striving for goodness and righteousness rather than pursuing selfish or harmful agendas.
Feet that make haste to run to evil show a sense of eagerness and enthusiasm in engaging in immoral activities. The Lord calls us to resist temptation and to choose righteousness over sin. Rather than rushing towards evil, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to goodness.
A false witness who breathes out lies is strongly condemned. This reminds us of the importance of being truthful not only in our own lives but also when providing testimony or speaking about others. Let us be people of integrity, upholding truth and justice in our words.
Sowing discord among brothers is detestable to the Lord. It emphasizes the significance of unity and harmony among people. We should strive to build bridges instead of creating divisions and conflicts. Let us promote understanding, forgiveness, and love.
Leaving his post, I want you to remember the teachings of Proverbs, which remind us of the things that the Lord hates. By reflecting on these points and striving to avoid such behaviors, we can cultivate a life that is pleasing to God. Let us embrace humility, truthfulness, righteousness, and love, as we look to honor and glorify the Lord in all that we do. I pray that you can take this and use it in your everyday life as you just follow him.